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Daniel Andersson
16 apr. 20202 min läsning
Project 2. Day 22 Music to my ears.
Today there has been a whole lot of research. We had our morning standup and a short time after that the internet kind of went down for a...
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Daniel Andersson
15 apr. 20202 min läsning
Project 2. Day 21. Bugs and feedback.
Today we started out by having some concerns from our lead programmer. He feels like the game we have right now feels like it's gonna be...
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Daniel Andersson
14 apr. 20203 min läsning
Project 2. Day 20?21?
Today we are back! It's tuesday and we've had a 5 day weekend. Which has been a nice break. We've celebrated some birthdays and I've...
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Daniel Andersson
9 apr. 20202 min läsning
Day 19. Problems and problems.
This morning we finally were suppose to have our playble version. But ONCE again we got problems. The entire repo shut down. We could not...
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Daniel Andersson
8 apr. 20202 min läsning
Project 2. Day 18. Spawners.
Yesterday was a day of waiting. We had problems with the playable version so we could not do much. So we waited, we researched some...
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Daniel Andersson
6 apr. 20203 min läsning
Project 2 Day16. PLAYTIME.
So last thursday and friday I didn't write anything in the blog. So last thursday I don't think anything in particular happend at all. We...
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Daniel Andersson
1 apr. 20202 min läsning
Project 2. Day 13. FONTastic!
Today has been slightly more productive than yesterday. I got the task of finding a font for the game. I downloaded about 10 different...
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Daniel Andersson
31 mars 20201 min läsning
Project 2. Day 12. This day..
Today I have almost done nothing at all. There's been no real tasks for me to do. I spent the morning doing nothing but sitting and...
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Daniel Andersson
30 mars 20202 min läsning
Project 2. Day 11. Sounds like..?
It's a new week! This week is the first alpha presentation I think. Since it's week three. This morning we've had some sound and music...
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Daniel Andersson
27 mars 20202 min läsning
Project 2. Day 10. It's Friday Friday. Gonna.. etc.
So this morning I started out with by researching some feedback but very quicikly I got some work to do. Apparently my rooms that I did ,...
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Daniel Andersson
26 mars 20202 min läsning
Project 2. Day 9. The beginnig.
It's now just after lunch and during this morning we tried to manage sourcetree and bitbucket to work so that I could upload the rooms...
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Daniel Andersson
25 mars 20202 min läsning
Project 2. Day 8. Room Room Room.
Today we've been in discussion all morning now up until 14 o'clock. We've been having a hard time cutting most of our rooms out of the...
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Daniel Andersson
24 mars 20202 min läsning
Project 2. Day 7. Split Vision.
Yesterday at the end of the day there were some discussion amongst the artist that some of them have gone away from the vision of the...
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Daniel Andersson
23 mars 20204 min läsning
Project 2. Day 6. Locker Room Talk.
Today is the start of week 2. Hopefully my hand wont act up and hurt again. This morning we had a stand up as usual, going over what we...
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Daniel Andersson
20 mars 20202 min läsning
Project 2. Day 5. Meeting and meetings.
Today I started making some more rooms for the game in unity, I did this up until lunch. I have experimented with diagonal walls. To see...
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Daniel Andersson
19 mars 20201 min läsning
Project 2. Day 4. Confidential
Today I went to school to work from there. I had a meeting in discord with the rest of the group and one of our teachers. However, I had...
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Daniel Andersson
18 mars 20203 min läsning
Project 2. Day 3. I'm coming home.
Today we are working from home. In the morning we had a short meeting over discord with the group and with a teacher that just gave us...
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Daniel Andersson
17 mars 20202 min läsning
Project 2. Day 2: CORONA..
Today I have made some progress regarding the room sizes. The first 2 iterations were very small, which first felt big. But when you move...
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Daniel Andersson
16 mars 20203 min läsning
Project 2. Day 1. "Project Blade"
Today is the start of our second project which probably is our most important project. It is the most important because all of this is...
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Daniel Andersson
19 dec. 20191 min läsning
P1;D24: Post Mortem.
At 10 o clock we have a post mortem meeting. Where we discuss the project with one of the teachers. The idea behind is I think is to...
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