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Daniel Andersson
10 nov. 20202 min läsning
Project 3. Day 42. Things are coming to an end.
Things have been crashing. And we have been working. There is way to much too actually summarise the last week. Some highlights. We have...
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Daniel Andersson
2 nov. 20201 min läsning
Project 3. Day 36. DOORS
Today have been a day of fixing small things and polishing the rooms. I had to re do the doors again that I made last week. Since people...
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Daniel Andersson
27 okt. 20201 min läsning
Project 3. Day 32. What now?
So starting the day we have more and more unity crashes. We can basically not work at all it feels like. The programmers have found...
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Daniel Andersson
26 okt. 20202 min läsning
Project 3. Day 31. This is a long tunnel.
So last week we had the Beta presentation which went OK I would say. We barely got it done in time. For some reasons both me and Emil's...
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Daniel Andersson
20 okt. 20202 min läsning
Project 3. Day 27. ERROR 404 Cannot crash.
This morning was very frustrating. First my torch vfx in my unity suddenly did not work. I tried to fix it by messing around with the...
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Daniel Andersson
19 okt. 20202 min läsning
Project 3. Day 26 Source TIMBEEER.
So this morning is not off to a great start. We've had issues with our Banshee enemy since last Thursday. I discovered that she does not...
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Daniel Andersson
15 okt. 20201 min läsning
Project 3. Day 24 ZUP CHIEF
Today i had an interview with Chief Rebel for a possible internship position and they are so nice and they seem like a perfect studio to...
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Daniel Andersson
12 okt. 20201 min läsning
Project 3. Day 21. Portfolio
Last Friday just before we all went home, Alex my design teacher told me that "Next week you need fix your portfolio and focus on that...
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Daniel Andersson
9 okt. 20201 min läsning
Project 3. Day 20. Week 4 came and went.
Today have been a weird day, I've been doing some work on my portfolio as well as searched for more internships. I've started with the...
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Daniel Andersson
8 okt. 20203 min läsning
Project 3. Day 19. It's getting there.
Today I've opened Unity 2 times! Fantastic! Today I've been working on coming up with some puzzles for the rooms that are left to make....
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Daniel Andersson
7 okt. 20201 min läsning
Project 3. Day 18. Sound of Music.
These last 2 days I've been on sound duty. I've tried out and done the sounds for the Dullahan death, attack, anticipation sounds. As...
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Daniel Andersson
5 okt. 20202 min läsning
Project 3. Day 16. Week 4 begins.
So after the alpha presentation last Friday we have things to do. We got some feedback from the teacher regarding lack of feedback on hit...
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Daniel Andersson
5 okt. 20201 min läsning
Project 3. Day 14. Bluescreen and crashes.
Today we were supposed to start building the scene that will be our gameplay for the alpha. However, I was suppose to do the layout and...
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Daniel Andersson
2 okt. 20201 min läsning
Project 3. Day 15. ALPHA
Today we had our alpha presentation and up to that point I populated our alpha scene with some lighting and props so the level didn't...
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Daniel Andersson
30 sep. 20201 min läsning
Project 3. Day 13. Scripting!
This morning we had a crash course with our lead programmer about how their scripts works. It was a lot to take in but we have so much...
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Daniel Andersson
30 sep. 20201 min läsning
Project 3. Day 12. Rooms, Enemies & Combat
Yesterday we concluded what should be in each room, if it's gonna be combat or puzzles and today we put SOME focus on what puzzle should...
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Daniel Andersson
28 sep. 20201 min läsning
Project 3. Day 11. Blueprints
Today we have iterated on our floorplans. Doro and Emil made their own version that they based of my floorplan for the mansion. So we sat...
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Daniel Andersson
25 sep. 20201 min läsning
Project 2. Day 10. Rejection.
Today have been the least productive day since we are basically finished with our part of this weeks tasks. We are 2 designers short on...
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Daniel Andersson
23 sep. 20201 min läsning
Project 2. Day 8. SCALE vs scale
This morning one of our environmental artists said that he had made our mansion in blender according to my blueprint that I finished...
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Daniel Andersson
22 sep. 20201 min läsning
Project 3 Day 7. it's tuesday my duu.. oh
So yesterday was a day of making blockouts. We had a small meeting about enemy behaviour because we missed some details about what they...
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