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Blogg: Blog2

Project 3. Day 36. DOORS

Skribentens bild: Daniel AnderssonDaniel Andersson

Today have been a day of fixing small things and polishing the rooms. I had to re do the doors again that I made last week. Since people were walking into the from the sides when they opened up 90 degrees we had to swing them open even more. So now they open up about 175 degrees so ppl cannot get stuck. But we found that now they could squeeze through between the door and the wall to go through it. So I had to enlarge the box collider around the door so when it opened up it would go against the wall completely so that is not possible. But it could not be too much so that it would be noticeable when the door was closed and you walked up to it. But when we opened the doors up even more than before, the very apparent open door was gone. This was a bit of a problem. Since when we walk south in the game we cannot see if or where the door is to the open room. We've been discussing and thinking about how we are going to display that there is a door that leads down to a room. This have been a topic throughout the day and we have had no good answers. But I made a small things that could work. We have some "light" that comes in from the windows in our greenery. So I used that so we could kind of display where the doors are and it looks like this:

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