So last week we had the Beta presentation which went OK I would say. We barely got it done in time. For some reasons both me and Emil's computers were just crashing at the sight of Unity. And my Game repository crashed and disappeared two times in the same morning. Resulting me in having to delete the entire project and re download everything. There were a bunch of numbers and colliders we had to tweak before the presentation of the game and we could basically not do anything within the actual game engine. Which was very frustrating but we got something done in time. So me and Emil were gonna stream the game play through discord so everyone could see. But when we did we had no sound instead for the entire stream which was very odd. Since the stream had all the sounds but we ourselves could not hear them what so ever.
Anyhow it's a new week and only 3 of them left. I still have no internship which is very stressful. It makes me really sad and it makes me questioning myself as a game designer. I do think that what I've done so far is good work. But it appears as it is not good enough for me to be an intern even at the smallest of indie companies. I've applied for almost 40 studios and all of them have said no or have not replied to my emails. This is very discouraging and it's starting to affect my overall mood. But I try not to be the guy who is dragging everyone down so I keep it inside instead.
Today I will just search for LIA since that is my top priority right now. If I don't find anything this week I will probably not find anything.