So this morning is not off to a great start. We've had issues with our Banshee enemy since last Thursday. I discovered that she does not put out torches as she should when I tried to hax my own puzzle by making small scream zones around my torches that I wanted to go out in a certain order. Since we don't have a delay option for when this happen or stuff I cannot make torches go out 1 by 1. So I tried to come up with an alternate solution by making the first torch that I wanted to go out , go out by a trigger zone, that in turn would trigger a small area banshee scream effect that put out torches which in turn would put out the next and the next. I don't know how fast they would be put out but I do at least think that they would be snuffed out one by one rather than all at the same time.
But our programmer tried to fix it and it didn't work. We tried something else which made her put out the torches which did not help. And then it was working on his end but not ours. And all of a sudden we could not light torches. And when he pushed the fix for that to source tree , it decided to break and stop working. So we are stuck with a broken version where out flame is not working properly which is not optimal to say the least.

10:40 update. So apparently the Source Tree was putting its information on to the wrong disk or something so the issue is know and is being worked on I think.
11:16. Things are up and running again and we can start fixing things. The pulls that we had did not fix the banshee however.
During the day after things got a bit smoother We tried out some camera settings to try to come up with something that is visually pleasing and that plays good. We don't want the artists work to be so far away that they just fade out. Also we don't want the players to be so far apart from each other.
We've had some more enemy issues with the reworked dullahan just walking through the walls since he was a trigger instead of having a collider. We got our new enemy the Danger Orb in the game which had the wrong pivot starting point. Our wraiths just kept walking forward indefinitely and a bit more small things.
On a positive note however we have some new art in the rooms which makes them look a lot nicer than before!
