So last thursday and friday I didn't write anything in the blog. So last thursday I don't think anything in particular happend at all. We were all just waiting for a playable version of the game. And on friday we had our alpha presentation, augment talk and sprint review. So to start the friday off I got the task of making our weekly sprint review for the team. Where we go over what we have acomplished that week. Show pictures of all the work, we introduced the music people to the rest of the group since only the designers and 2 artists had "met" them before.
We looked at some memes and just relaxed as the final thing of the week.
Before all that we had our ALPHA review with the other group that is making a BARDbarian game.
We presented our game and had our very first playtest "on stage". It looks really awkward like any alpha. We got some critique that they did not know the difference between our ranged and melee enemies. But we just got them in like earlier that morning so we only had some of the placeholders just thrown in there. And there were some questions about silhouettes that they looked the same. But we tried to explain that we had color variations. They had their concerns about that but since you have to make split second reactions I think it's easier to distinguish colors then take your time to look at silhouetes unless it's a silhoutte that stands out A LOT. Otherwise we had a nice alpha so far. I do feel good about the game at the moment. We have a small issue that our animator don't have anything real to work with this week since there is nothing done for him to animate. This COULD be a problem and prevent us from getting everything we want to have in the game. We might have to sacrifice one of our special enemies which is a real bummer.
Maybe this could have been prevented with better planning. Make sure that atleast one artist get something going like straight away. I'm unsure though.

After the alpha presentation we had a loong session of discussing our augments. Rating them on synergies and what they scale with and how much it would affect the performance and what if require more assets than we have.

So for today. This monday on the start of week 4. We spent all morning discussing the augments cause we could not get through all of them last Friday. When Arrjan gets back from this mondays sprint review with the teachers we are going to do the final voting of which augments we pick for the game. We are trying to pick a variety of them so we don't only pick augments that synergizes with strenght level for example or only those who affects yout dash somehow.
We had our teacher come into our call and he had some feedback for us. That we need to get our combat working asap else we are too late. The programmers are doing other things so we need to adress this to them as soon as we can, we need some sort of hit indicator and a projectile that works. This version of the project does not work as good as the last one, I don't really know what they changed but it's somehow worse.
Hopefully tomorrow we can have some sort of hit indication, so we can try attackspeed correctly and movement speed. Before this afternoon I was kind of chill but then Alex came in and said the things he did and now I'm stressed. I feel like it's not OUR fault that we didn't have a playable version last week already. And now he says that we need it like right now. And a functional attack with indication of when the enemies are getting hit and that movement should be good already and I'm like " We don't have anything to test yet how is that our fault". I mean of course we would love that but we cannot do the programmers work for them. And I don't really think I have any say that you should stop fixing the entire system behind everything and make this one thing work right now.
Oh well..