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Blogg: Blog2

Project 2. Day 18. Spawners.

Skribentens bild: Daniel AnderssonDaniel Andersson

Yesterday was a day of waiting. We had problems with the playable version so we could not do much. So we waited, we researched some feedback on other first person games. We had a talk about how the enemies will react when they are getting hit. Our teachers gave us very different options when they gave us tips on how to do it. Our end "result" was that we will try to give the enemies "poses" as they are getting hit. So our slash 1 will give them pose1, then strike 2 will make them do pose 2, and same goes for the wideslash.

Then we had a discussion about naming the augments. We had very different opinions about how we should name them. I wanted them to desriptive of what they do but still sound good. Some wanted powerful and cool names. And there were a bunch of suggestions and then we got interupted from all that by the teachers at the end of the day. So the whole day was basically a bunch of wasted time.

Same goes for today so far. It's currently 13:20 and we've spent this morning resolvning issues with our level testing. Some rooms are not even included in the generator, the walls are not tagged as walls so the enemies shoots through them, every enemy on the map is triggered at the same time and they have wrong numbers in their stats. We placed spawn points on all our "maps" to then discover that they did not work. But it was something as simple as naming them the right thing. But that makes it harder to keep track of what is what.

We need to assign someone to fix these things or collectively do it so all can have a version that works from the second you start it. Since now EVERYONE have to do like 100+ steps to get a version that is slightly good. That's a lot of time and work that is wasted. And now we have to WAIT again for our programmers to fix something so we can start fixing these without having a conflict within our sorcetree thingy.

We've just been informed that the school is officially shutting down for the forseeable future. Untill fall and the start of our 2nd year atleast. Maybe even further. . .

To me this is not like beeing in school, you can't focus at home and you don't get as good information and so on when you are at home. It's not 100% right but I guess we have no choice and we are unlucky to not get as valuable time as if we were there.


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