Today there has been a whole lot of research. We had our morning standup and a short time after that the internet kind of went down for a while in most parts of the city. When it came back we had a meeting with the sound team. We discussed the latest version of the main theme song for the game and how we could improve it as well as some things we would like to change. For example the drums in the song was very unfitting most of us thought so that is something that will be changed. As well as adding more guitar to the song. We gave them some reference material to work with.
So since then I've been researching some sounds and trying to find / figure out how the anticipation sounds and projectiles might sound, how the melee anticipation would sound and so on. This has taken most my time today as well as having discussions with the other designers.
We discussed on how we are suppose to come to some sort of an "agreement" when we testing numbers. But we didnt seem to come to any conclusion I guess. I said my part that if I find something that I feel is a good number for something I write it down so that I can remember it. I suggested that we could all do that if we are testing stuff and if all of us have the same numbers or atleast within the same ballpark I feel like we have a good starting point of pinpointing what feels best when it comes to the number.
Later in the afternoon we had the final augment finally picked out. It's so much time spent on discussing these augments it's been unreal. But now we are done unless we need to pick an additional one.
