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Blogg: Blog2

Project 2. Day 9. The beginnig.

Skribentens bild: Daniel AnderssonDaniel Andersson

It's now just after lunch and during this morning we tried to manage sourcetree and bitbucket to work so that I could upload the rooms that I did as prefabs to the programmers version of unity. So I did that and pulled their version so I could try it out for myself. During that process I found out that I misscounted the roomsize of my rooms I thought they were 42x42 but they were 42x41. This was not gonna work with the way our level generator is set up since it's only suppose to be perfect squares.

So after getting to know the very basics of the system to generate the levels I had to fix the rooms that we are going to use. Then I had to once again set up the system in the project to get everything in place.

I have yet to pull emils rooms to implement them as well but my rooms works fine. I'll just have to change the materials on the some of the stuff I see now that I've uploaded the gif since some things are pink.

Since my level work is mostly gone I was set on working on feedback stuff. So basically I'm going to think about stuff. Which is not fun but it needs to be done. I need to think about that I cannot come up with to crazy stuff that will create more work for little benefit. At the moment we have some feedback regarding the slashes of the sword, then we have some animations and sound.

In the afternoon we were given a task to assist with the placements of enemies. So me and emil painted out some dots in the rooms that we did to show where the spawns could be. Doro has already done this but she wanted our inputs as well if we had something special in mind when we made the levels. So we had a session where we discussed all of this. We had similiar thoughts all of us so we seem to agree on many of the spawns.

So this is how it could look. The white dots are ranged enemies, black ones are melee only. the grey barely visible unfortunately could spawn both. The orange is the Firestarter, the red is the Splitter. The green is the alchemist, the purple is the specter.

All the special enemies can be ranged and melee forms. Specter is a enemie that strikes and then dashes away. Alchemist blinds you temporarily, Splitter splits into more enmies when killed and Firestarters are trying to go BOOM in your face and blow you up.

Tomorrow I have no idea what to do. But atleast I found work today to go around pretty perfectly so that always nice.


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