Today I started making some more rooms for the game in unity, I did this up until lunch. I have experimented with diagonal walls. To see if they fit with the rooms at all and I think it's a nice addition to give some sort of diversity from the normal straight walls. Coming up with room design is hard I feel like. It feels like I'm not contributing as much as the others, they write in the GDD and stuff and make GIFS and it feels like they do more some how. But someone needs to do this as well.
The rooms are hard when you have a limited space when we have these enclosed space. The design will be somehow limited since the decoration and light will take so much space and I cannot make anything diff

erent except wall placements. I make differently themed rooms and such but stills it feels like I'm not doing enough..
We've spend almost the entire day discussing some pressing issues regarding the ranged enemy. We first decided that we wanted drones as our ranged enemy. Since they could provide variation from the normal humans running about and that they are smaller and more fragile but they deal more damage. But the artist really did not want to do this and they felt like they did no have anyone dedicated on doing "mechanical work". So they rather spend more time on the humans and make an alternate version of it. We discussed this amond us designers and decided that they could do that, so we scrapped the drones. We started discussing the looks and themes on the special enemies in our game. The special enemies have certain abilities and will therfore have special designs. They will appear as enemis with masks and they have color coded these to look amazign and its really coming along well.
But the artist had not read the GDD fully so they thought that our special enemies could only be melee based and not ranged. But all the abilities are designes such so that the special enemies could become both ranged and melee. It seemed like it created some problems for them for a second but they were gonna work around it.
Personally I wanted the flying drones. I feel like the height difference and having flying enemies would be nice. And to see the projectiles coming straight towards you would feel worse then from an angle slighlty higher up so that you can see the path the projectile is going.
I also showed the rooms that I've done so far and based on reacions they seemed to like them. They asked me if I had a garden yet and I said no, So I had to create one.
My wrist is hurting really bad so I'm going to keep this short. Have a nice weeked!