Today is the start of week 2. Hopefully my hand wont act up and hurt again. This morning we had a stand up as usual, going over what we are going to do today. I was a bit worried that things are slowing down in the "things to do" department. But we started off rating the rooms that me and Emil did last week. Discussing gameplay elements and how they would play and feel in game. I had about 3 rooms that my fellow designers really liked and I got good feedback on my diagonal hallway. But there were some stuff that needed to be fixed / added upon that I've spent this morning doing. It's now after lunch and I will continue to fix a couple of rooms.

For example this room was one that I only really liked the bathrom part in the bottom right of the room. I really had no idea for the rest of it but Doro said something that got me thinking that it could be some sort of a locker room. So I started doing a couple of iterations of this rooms, I added showers, lockers and benches and it gave the room a different feel overall and something that could actually be added maybe. It should work with either door getting removed except maybe the one in the bottom of the picture since an empty hallway could look kinda off.

I'll see what the other designers have to say about this room later on.
Another room that I had to do some adjustments to was this one.

This is some sort of a nature / relaxing room. The top right part is a tiny garden with an aquarium on the left hand wall. Some plants along the walls and so on. The bottom left room will be expanded upon but at the moment it's a sauna of some sort. Perhaps something else entirely. It's kind of out of place maybe so we'll see. The thing that I need to fix with this is adding a wall so that we get 2 diagonal walls and another dimension when you enter the room from the original diagonal hallway. In the picture above there is a green sign that points towards the more open area, and the sign will read the same from both ways so we get some sort of indication of what's ahead which is a nice touch and I got some nice comments about that sign.

This is how the room looks with an additional piece of wall. It obscures some vision from the player which is good for enemy placement and you don't see all of the room right away.
Another room that I redesigned was my karaoke bar room which was liked but it felt a bit to open.

In the bottom right I had a "wardrobe" area or something that you walked into from the front and it was connected to the right wall. Jonathan said that I could have the wardrobe area still at the some spot but disconnect it from the right wall and have it so you can walk in from the back instead of the front. So we can have ranged enemies standing inside and shoot at you. So in the case that you come in from another side than the right side you are getting shot at and you have to shoot them back or walk around and get behind them. Doro like my bar tables that is connected to the left upper wall due to enemies can stand behind them and shoot at you.

So I removed the front door on the wardrobe area and added a door to the back that is barely visible on this picutre unfortunately. I added a wall that seperates the karaoke floor in the bottom of this picture, this makes it so it's not as open as it was before. Then I move the bar area to use the bar shelf as a wall. So I'll get the other designers opinions on this take as well and see if this is a better version. I feel like this is a better take on it at least.
Last but not least I have this room.

Just 2 hallways. Very simple when you look at it like this. But there is potential for it when it comes to fighting enemies in tight spaces. We had a discussion about carving out the rooms and make one or maybe two of them rooms where enemies can spawn and adding windows so that enemies can shoot at you , and adding doors close to the middle so you kind of have to walk into line of fire to kill them. This is my next thing that I'm gonna do so I'll be making some iterations of this room and see what sticks.

This is what we came up with together when I asked for the opinion. One open room and one room with sort of a "shooting range" in the other room where only ranged enemies could spawn maybe. So when you are in either room that you have to walk into the middle to get to , you would/ could be shot from the other room that you are not inside. We'll look into these more tomorrow and see if they feel as good or worse.