Yesterday at the end of the day there were some discussion amongst the artist that some of them have gone away from the vision of the game. It became more animal /Furry like instead of Cyberpunkish that we intially intended. This morning it seemed like they have sorted it out somewhat and I hope that they have gotten it together so we don't waste more time on nothing.
But apparently they wanted to alter the environmental artists vision if they had to change so they had a discussion about implementing more asian feeling to it. The thing is that we have not really established world building in any regard and I can see how important that could be now more than ever. Since we don't know if we are based in Japan or not, is the character asian and only uses the weapon of choice for nostalgic reasons. Are the enemies yakuza that have taken over a building in part of USA or what. There are many questions that could be answered if we had some sort of established world building to give the artist a reason for what they are doing. Now they seem to fight a lot about what the game is and is not when they don't really know.
But neither do we since it's not established. We came to some sort of guideline that the level artist and environmental artist are to implement some rice lanterns and obvious asian thematics, but not make it too blatent.
On an other topic, I made a see through wall. And we used that as one of the aesthetics suggestions to get more asian feeling into the levels. I saw something like this on pinterest and I just made it in unity real quick to see if it were to fit in. Except for the very green color I like it.

I used green when I built it to make it more obvious and before I knew it I had made an entire wall and I don't want to change materaiol on each separate cube that I built this with.
Later on we had some discussions about the UI design and how to make it. There were many suggestions and we discussed about removing the healthbar entirely but in the end we are going to keep it. But the versions that were presented were way to big and there was different opinions on the colors of the bars. Nothing is set in stone so I really cannot say much about it. It's leaning towards having 2 bars atleast.
The day has consisted of many discussions, it's seems to be like that most of the days now in the first two weeks. And it's totally necessary for us to establish the ground of which the game is gonna stand on.