Yesterday I was the only designer on site. The other 3 are working from home since they didn't feel to great today. I did research about sound effects and came up with a lot of things, managed to download a lot of free sounds. And I've picked out a bunch of sounds that are potential keepers. One of the "goals" in the game is to light up altars that are scattered around the mansion that you play in. You are suppose to light these up with your flame and when you do it I would like some sort of sound to play that signifies that you have done something positive. So I found a few of those sounds that I quite like.
Today has been a day of meetings. We have talked with the lead programmer about our enemy behaviour and how they are making us a tool so we can micro manage behaviours very easily and mix and match with other behaviours so we can make custom events and such. That in conjunction with the puzzle tool which is basically the same, will make some interesting stuff for sure.
We also had some discussions about the screen transitions of the rooms. At first we thought we were gonna do it Binding of Isaac style. But we ended up deciding on going a mixed alternative between room transitions and having everything shown at once. There is a game called Death road to Canada that does transitions very cool were the rooms you are not in are in a black veil and when you enter a new the old one becomes black and the new room is visible. We just have to manage this with 2 characters and have it so that 2 rooms can be visible at the same time.
We also got some news today that one of the groups will get a music producer that goes to the royal music collage/school is looking for work and will team up with one of the groups here. So are going to have a meeting with him at 4 pm today which is in 3 minutes for me at the moment.
So I stopped writing to have the meeting with the producer/composer/music dude. And it went very well. He will create things for the game and he already made us a title theme when he just wanted to give us an example to see if he got the vibe of the game correctly. And MAN did he do a great job. It's perfect. It has musicbox chilly vibe, he introduces some string instruments and some chembalo and it just fits instantaneously. He seemed hype to do some more and the sound effects so this is turning out really well.
The enemies are also coming together today with the silhouettes and the overall look for them and how they are suppose to move. So we have 3 enemies. 2 that float and one that walks. A banshee, a wraith and a Dullahan.
