So today it's a day of waiting for the last things done by some of the artists and programmers. We are basically doing nothing of importance. We have the values we think are good. We managed the ranges and stuff. The things that we know might need some tweaking is some volumes, we need some lobby fixes since one of the doors might be open even though there is nothing connected to it.
But the game feels really good to play and I do believe if we just had a couple of more weeks to get a few more rooms and maybe double the ammount of augments that the player can have we would have a really solid game. I'm very happy with the result that we've gotten. Tomorrow is the very last day and we'll have all of the presentations online. 3 of them to precise to make sure everyone that needs to see it can see it. Since we have a limit of 50 people in a stream on discord.
This have been a learning experience for sure. First and foremost. Don't trust the artists. They say that they can do stuff but they do not deliver as promised and things get put on hold or are delayed so much. Second thing. Music needs to be in a lot earlier with a mix so we can properly test levels and 3d sounds if that is a thing.
Third. We need more animators or atleast someone who is helping the animator with rigs and stuff much earlier.
Fourth. Scope it smaller. And be a lot more involved with people and don't just blindly trust that they are doing work. Like, get more frequent updates and they need to learn to implement their work in to the game so we can see stuff.
We will have a post mortem tomorrow afternoon after everything is done. Which is a bit early I think. I'd rather have the weekend to process everything and think about what has been going down.
Here is a screenshot of the new light bakes:

This is the low res version of the light bake as well. Our lighting artist is doing a new one which is gonna take longers so it might not make it into the game. But atleast we have something and it looks amazing! apart from some smaller things. Like we have some geometry on the walls that is apparently very hard to get good in a lightbake so they look a bit weird. But I guess that is okay .
Tomorrow is the last day. Finally. A bit scared and very excited for this to be over. It's gonna be good!