So the last three days are here. And we are almost out of work. We still need to fix the roofspawners. Well all of the spawners in the levels. BUT, Our lighting artist is lightbaking all the levels so we cannot touch the prefabs at all. Which makes things very hard. Since we cannot properly gameplay test since the enemy spawns are so weird.
Other than this. We've talked amongst us desginers about our portfolio pages and what we are gonna display and show and stuff. I realized I don't have a whole lot to show. Since I don't have any side projects since well. And I cannot really do anything. And the things that I did for the first project is not good enough or comprehensive enough to show anyone.
After lunch update. We tried to locate the culprit of our bad performance and after some searching in one of the rooms we could find that our point lights were causing 2mil tris extra.
So hopefully when that is fixed, whatever artistry they are doing might solve some of the bad perfomance atleast which is a nice thing. We have not done a lot of testing today due to us having to manage a lot of what is going on. But this is the last crunch and I think and really hope that we can pull it off. We've gotten some headtilting in the game as I displayed in the GIF last night.
So mid writing this blog I got asked to assist our light artist and a programmer. So apparently the new lightbaking is not working out due to us having fixed the spawns and what not in the prefabs. I don't know the specifics but he said that it was OK and we made a mistake, we couldn't have known beforehand so. So now we need to fix everything that is suppose to be in the game and not touch any graphical aspects after today. We can fix stuff like enemies and player and stuff but the rooms shall not be tempered with. . This is almost 7 hours of work if not even more gone to waste.
It's now evening and a lot of stuff have been added, lots of polishing, new vfx for when you are getting hit, updated animations. We have changed colors for the diferents variations ranged attack which feels very nice. It's really getting there.
