So yesterday I did not write anything because .. Well I forgot and from the morning until the end of the day I sat and made collision boxes for all the rooms. We had to do this because all things had mesh colliders and that is not needed I guess. And they were gonna combine all rooms with the props. So we sat and manually put out these boxes everywhere. Every wall, had to account for the windows we have in some of the walls and leave enough space for a projectile to go through it. The curved walls were a hassle to deal with but it turned out fine.
Today was more of the same, last night jonathan made some colliders for our lobby. But he forgot to add the outer walls. So I took over that this morning when he started working on the last room that need to be filled with box colliders. Some ways into all the fixing I accidentally removed the prefab that I should not have deleted. But the repo was luckily enough there to save it.
The rest of the day we were looking for bugs and playtesting. We found a lot of stuff but most of them were known or something that has been pushed and not fixed right after that caused a problem. Although the game performs a bit bad at the moment it feels like so it..
We also discussed some player feedback. Everyone is very keen on adding more animations and vfx to the player and we don't know if we have the time. But I researched and tried to find something. They've said that they want screenshake or something so I found a nice little headtilt that is atleast something more.

But one of the programmers said that it might be difficult so we'll see tomorrow I guess what they come up with.