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Blogg: Blog2

Project 2. Day 36. One week left

Skribentens bild: Daniel AnderssonDaniel Andersson

So it's friday, we have one week left. . . There is still a lot of work that needs to be done. I'm worried that we're gonna need a lot of overtime in the coming week to get everything into the game. This morning I've had to do some actual work that involves talking to other people than the designers which is a nice change. First off we had the elevator closing animation were acting weird since the last push to sourcetree. The last 15% of the animations were not present and the elevator just shut close in one frame at the end. So I went down to our level team and see what could have caused it. So he made a fix and said that it was solved after some time but it was not in fact fixed. Turns out that he pushed the animation but not the animator. So that was a very quick fix thankfully.

Daniel, one of the environmental artists is currently working on the cherryblossom tree that we wanted in the middle of the lobby to be a nice centerpiece. And we have more people working on props so I think they are in a good spot.

Emil, one of the designers were playtesting when Alex our teacher came into our discord call and he told us that the sword sound when you slash gets tiresome very fast since it's just the same sound over and over. He asked us if we were gonna have different pitches so that there is some variety. So I took it up with the Sound guys and they said that this was already in the game. So he played the sounds to me and that was true. But the more pronounced slashing in the sound were taking over so much that it really was not that noticable in game. When you isolated the sound and listned to that alone you could clearly hear it. So we amped up the pitches so that the sound had more ranged to choose between and it sounded a lot better. It's not implemented in the game yet, we are holding off with it if we have some more changes that we want to fix.

So we'll see when it gets into the game if it is more noticable. Another reason why it's not so noticable right now is that we have seperate sounds for each of the three swings. So when you hear the first swing sound again you've heard 2 more sounds inbetween and the pitch changes is not as clear. And you'll having music and more sounds later on so I guess we'll just see.

So we got some more bad news after lunch.. More problems with the animations.. ofc. Always the animations, however the textures seems to be coming along so that's something.

Small update at 14:15:

We saw our artist streaming something weird. So Doro went up there to see what they were doing and how their progress were coming along. So Doro came back after a few minutes and apparently they had nothing to do?.. So instead of asking what to do or anything they do nothing instead. We are so far behind and they do nothing? I mean I find that really hard to believe that they don't have anything to do. There is so many animations and they can work on polishing things or the textures or implementing things to the push. Or maybe do a prop or something I don't know. But for sure the artists work SHOULD not run out, like ever. I get it that they had sometimes during this project when they really had to wait for a rig or weightpainting and such in a very specific time. But now. Hell to the no.

On another note, Jonathan gave us a script that we replaced our normal one with. It's the same with one additional feature. When you take lethal damage you are set to 1 hp and have a invincibility timer, we have this so we can have a small window to recover hp by lifesteal or killing an enemy and this will prevent us to atleast sometimes be saved from getting oneshot by our firestarters. This means we can kind of keep their damage as it is and play around with this. Or we might just do both. So we can mess around with the time we are invincible and the cooldown timer on how often this effect can occur.

Something else that happend this morning was that Alex our design teacher told us to update our profiles on the school webpage because more higher up people are gonna start looking at them soon. So I'm looking at what the second years did and some of them are really good and some of them is nothing at all. I'm mean I guess it does not hurt to have something really nice and proffessional looking but some of them have gotten LIA and probably work as well without having a fancy looking thing.

Now we need to really do a good job next week so we have something to show!


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