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Blogg: Blog2

Project 2. Day 35. Memories!

Skribentens bild: Daniel AnderssonDaniel Andersson

Good morning! The start of the day started with us desginers talking to the music dudes after our daily stand ups. We got some new sounds for the desintegration, and some more and we declared them ready. Now they have to implement them in FMOD and when we have all the sounds in the game they wanted a playable version so that they can mix the sounds to the proper volumes and such.

Then we started playtesting our new values and talked a bunch of music and old gameplay videos. It brought back some good memories.

After lunch all of us just play tested for hours, we note down what happend what kills us and how far we go, just like we did yesterday. We all agree that our firestarter specialist is way too powerful. 90% of the deaths that we all get always involve a firestarter in one way or another.

So we are discussing on how to nerf him. With either damage or movement speed or if we have more underlying problem with the player stats or the other augments or stats making it possible to maybe escape easier. So many things to take into consideration but I do think we'll end up nerfing the firestarter a tiny bit somehow.

At the end of the day we got new that the room 1 is now fully populated, but the materials and textures are missing. But now we'll have to remake the spawns again. Well, atleast switch the positions up so that they don't spawn on the furniture.


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