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Blogg: Blog2

Project 2. Day 29. Crazy.

Skribentens bild: Daniel AnderssonDaniel Andersson

So yesterday in the last 2 hours of the day after I had written my blog post we had some "drama".

The artist were unhinged. There were some disputes on how some poses was suppose to look and apparently some critique that was given to one who made some animations were false. We had an idle pose for the ranged grunts.

When we saw this gif in the discord feed we said that this was way to relaxed. And that he should be more alerted, since the place is now in lockdown and they know that a massmurderer is on the loose in their building their pose should not convey a relaxed pose as if it was coffeebreak time or something. And when we said that she had a pose like that from the start but she had gotten critique from some other artists and said that this is more like what it's suppose to be. We never got to know who said this or which ones gave this critique but someone is obviously still not in the loop of things / want it his/her own way. The artist overall feels so scattered in the vision of how things are suppose to be.

And some of it are definitely our fault. Since we have given them so much freedom with this to please most of them, but it's really hurting the game and sooo much time have been wasted. This is something that we designers have to be firm with and decide very early on in pre production and setting the vision of the game. Since this was a game arrjan came up with over a weekend and was made to please everyone we never had any worldbuilding at all. Which is one of the major reasons why so much time have been spend on speculating and thinking of new stuff.

Since in the beginning we had no idea what building this all would take place in. And halfway through the project the artist took their artistic freedom and set the place in lockdown and made everything really gloomy and dark when the original thoughts was that the place would be really light and clean and modern almost. But that was something that went back and forth. And if we just said that yes this is a 7 story building skyscraper ish building outside the main city with japanese setting around it and such things would have been much more clear for everyone to streamline their work with these regulations.

Now they have to work in the dark and come up with stuff and everything have to fit together. And yes this dawn on us very late in the project on HOW IMPORTANT WORLD BUILDING AND PLANNING is. But you are so eager to just get shit done and start on someting and see results. Yes the progress before you see anything cool in the game is a long and tidius process but when you actually see some change in level like we did with new lighting your very happy for like a minute and two and then it's on to the next thing. . . If that makes sense. And this is a very short project as well. Can't really imagine on how it would be on a project out in the real world where things takes years.

Anyhow, back to the "Drama" the artist somehow managed to find a new way of working that supposedly should help them be more productive and be less in the dark on what needs to be done. So I'm really hoping for the best. We have given them waaay to much freedom and putting our hopes in them and constantly there is something wrong..

So for the next time we need to tighten the reins on the others and really be a force that is driving them in the right direction because this has been a shitshow from day one basically.

Now we've had some lunch and I debate if I should do more testing or trust the others with that. Since I feel so awful when I'm playing our game. And by that I mean physically, I get headaches and my eyes hurt. So I'll be doing some talking and discussing with the designers and keep an eye on our artists a bit more. UPDATE: We have new lighting in the game! And I'm happy becuase I can actually play without getting a headache! So far atleast. And the lighting is soo much better!

The rest of the day was mostly playtesting and we had some chill time right before the day ended where we watched some clips together while we waited for stuff :)


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