So yesterday I once again forgot to do the blogging thing. The reason beeing is that all yesterday morning our job was to playtest. But since the afternoon 2 days ago we couldn't because the programmers were still fixing the repo so we had nothing to play test. During the afternoon we got to playtest some and try out our augments for the first time really properly. We found some bugs that they managed to fix until today though. And this morning we came across some more bugs that were fixed just seconds ago as I was writing this. So we had a bug where the doors between rooms in one perticular room on the grid that they spawn on would have one or more extra doors that prevented us from going any further. So today I will try to write along as the day goes on. Since when I don't do that I forget the small details and the things that happends during the day instead and I have nothing to show for.
After lunch we discovered some more bugs. I had some enemies shooting throught the walls into the lobby and when I went to talk to the programmers about it they already knew about it.
And one of the artists kind of fcked up a bit so we had to do some extra work in the repo to get it all working again. The values are pretty much set for this moment, we might adjust some things depending on how good the augments are and how it feels to play solely on controller. Since playing FPS games on controller is the most clunky thing ever. So we might need to buff something or nerf something so the player does not feel cheated on for playing on a controller.
During the afternoon we just tried to find some bugs and we barely find more than we already had found so we tested some numbers of the augments. Very uneventful.
But here's a GIF of the latest build. We've added some feedback for when we hit enemies for example! Very cool!
