So yesterday I just straight up forgot to write in the blogg. All day yesterday was a bunch of testing for all the desginers and we compared the numbers that we all had set for our version of the game what we think felt good. And we made some descisions based on all our results. That was the entire day basically. And we had discussions about art side cause some things needed to be adjusted since time is a problem at the moment.
Turns out it was gonna get a whole lot worse.. Today we got the message that our ONLY animator have been feeling really stressed and sad to the point where he cannot work anymore. Apparently this has been information that he has kind of withheld. I get that it's a really hard topic and that it might be embarrasing even, maybe. I don't know the reasoning. But he have been behind a lot and earlier today before we got the information we talked about that we have been waiting over a week for a simple placeholder animation for our enemies. But he have been feeling really bad, sad and stressed. So the whole project suffers from it. Because we have a more difficult time playtesting without any animations other than play placeholder animations. For timings and everything revolving it. So many things is harder to do without animations and that is a BIG LESSON LEARNED for my part. Our lead desginers is talking to the artist and trying to put the pieces together as I write this. We were already behind and this is a just another obstacle that is not making things better. I'm very concerned about the project as a whole now.
This is our main project that will show the industry what we can do.. and it plays a huge part in wether we get an internship or not.. I don't want one guy to jeopardize that. He could have said something a lot sooner since he apparently have felt this way for some time..We have not had a single update other than words since week 2 basically. We knew that he was kind of a perfectionist and rather do the full animations instead of placeholder but now we don't have either it seems like. I don't have all the information yet but things are looking dire. And that really scares me..
A good thing though is that we as level designers have some work to do! Can you believe it!?
The environmental team merged with the dev branch so all the previous temporary spawnpoints we had are gone. But it looks much better. We have some colors now as well as some baked lights. So we are making fully fledged spawnpoints for my and Emils rooms at the moment. It's gonna be interesting to see how things unfold from this point. I think something else from the art department have to be cut. Which is a real shame.. But what can you do when things go as they have.
