(art by Michelle Magnusson - Art student @ Playgroundsquad)
Today we started our projects! At least we have moved all of our computers are put them together so that we actually sit in groups instead of sitting away from each other. It's a bit weird sitting in a different spot and I'm sure I'll go to my old spot tomorrow when I get here. As for work we have decided on our level layout for our TOWER DEFENSE map.
We have decided what kind of camera we should use for the game and we decided on a top down view with an about 45 degree angle downwards toward the "playing field" so we can see the details and the lovely art our artists create. The camera should be locked in a way that we cannot go closer to the playing field nor switch the angle of the camera, just pan it over the field to the side and to the bottom and top of the map.
We also had out first sprint meeting today with the entire group. In the future only the leads of each "field" should go to them.
Lead design: Jonathan, it's his idea and his GDD.
Lead Art: Daniel W he is in charge of all the artsy stuff.
Lead Programmer: Chris he is our only programmer.
The first sprint meeting we concluded that we don't have enough details when it comes to the description of the tasks. (This is something I've been working on today). And we got asked some questions to see if we know what we are suppose to do this first week. It feels like we as Designers don't have a lot to do this first week when we look at the tasks in Hansoft and so on. But we will have to tweak numbers and have a preliminary balancing when it comes to the towers and enemies. We also will need to update all the descriptions in Hansoft to give as much info as possible to convey the games functionality when it comes to actually playing it. Tomorrow it will be more work in Hansoft and try to structure our work some more and lead as much as we can to guide our fellow teammates in the right direction.