Our "Dry run" / test presentation is in 30 minutes and we have just had our stand-up. The missing pieces at the moment are: Slow/Freeze effect from our llamas. Health bars. Music/Sound effects. Win-state with imagery. A retry button so we can quicker test stuff. Then we have the model issue that needs to be fixed. Or the textures rather.
No we've had the dry run of our presentation and it went okay. We need to have more of how the game is played in the presentation. As if the people we are presenting to never has seen a tower defense game before. And they recommended us to have a game solely for the presentation with "cheats" with like unlimited money and maybe have a button that randomizes the towers and have smaller waves and faster gameplay. So we can show the stuff in a reasonable pace without boring the crap of waiting and such.
The end of this day is weird. I'm trying to get some GIFS for out final presentation but the game that I can get a hold of is not as presentable as I would like it. I need to get some shots of our tourist walking ( in the right direction) as well as a few llamas shooting at enemies in like mid game right now.
We've also had a 2 ish hour lecture on ethics and morals in the gaming industry. And got an assignment on said topic that we are to do over the holidays. We are going to play a game. Preferably a narrative driven game. And critique it and look for tropes and open our eyes for such things and write our thoughts down and then discuss this with a group when we get back.
