Today we started off with a crash course on how Tortoise HG works and how to set everything up so that we as a group can access each others files in a easy way for the work we are doing.
Our first stand-up of the project:
Designers: Continues to iterate on the structure in Hansoft. Look in to sound effects. Work on the Trello boards and set those up. Artists: Make a place holder for first enemy, tower and the map so our programmer has something to put into the game. And Martin continues to work on their art guide so it's more complete for references and such. Programmers: Fix the camera to work in the game. And place the placeholder map into Tengine and tweak the camera angle.
During the day we managed to fix the camera to work , not to the degree that is the end goal but we have a camera in the game and we managed to import the level into Tengine as well. We designers have talked about scrapping/ reworking the way range and attack speed works in the game. Earlier we had a 3 levels like short, medium, long for range and slow , medium and fast for attack speed. But when looking on how WC3 (warcraft 3) did it they only have a value that is set to the towers. That allows us to further balance and do things a bit better we think so that is something that we will have now instead.
On top of that we have looked in to some sound design and have come to a conclusion that we should have sounds playing when the towers shoot and when the enemies die. More then that and it will just be sounds all over the place and that is something that we don't want to have.
Jonathan knew some people who might help us with some sounds design and eventually music. So we have searched Youtube for some inspiration to send to him to give an overall image of who we want things to sound.
We have also updated the GDD with some more "towers". We now have a GOLDEN Llama as the ultimate unit for example. The Winged Unicorn Sparkle Llama , Superduper Llama, freezer llama and king llama. Now they just need some personality and some "affixes" that only they have as something special to them.
We also have gotten the Mockups for the first enemy and tower that we probably will implement into the game tomorrow.

Art by: Johan Nyberg, Art student @ Playgroundsquad