This morning at our stand-up Agnes came in and said that she has to go and that her time with us is up. We could certainly use more of her help but alas we won't get it. The work is running out for our artist. They are working on the final things such as the next wave button and light baking of the level and smaller things. So we'll have to figure out something more for them to do. Polish smaller things or adding more detail.
As designers I feel like our work is just testing and testing right now and all we can do is try it in unity since we have no JSON file to manage because all the programming work have been behind all this time so setting all that up would not be worth the time? And the fact that our projectile still is not a 100% makes it impossible to even test anything anyway. So we just run around and try to manage the team and come up with ideas and micro managing positions of icons and so on.
Programming wise there's still A LOT to do. That is my one concern at the moment. We lost our big helper and we are back to normal with (one and a half?) programmer, which means that we might have a slower end of the week ahead of us.
Trying to get the programmers to use Trello has been a problem. They don't update it as well as the artists do so I cannot figure out what to check off in Hansoft.
After lunch we are having some major problems with the sounds. We have to use a specific program to get something called bank files. So that Tengine can grab the Sound files from this bank..
While writing this I went upstairs and got some help. Apparently there are multiple folders on the server and the one that I found was wrong. So i got the right one. Installed it, asked Marin for help about how to save the files in to bank files. Did that and pushed it on HG so now our programmer HOPEFULLY have something to work with and try out.
That's it for today.