Yesterday I had to stay at home due to personal reasons.
So when I got here today quite a few things had happen. We have a wave system and a tower pool, we have placeholder icons for the llamas. All enemies done and only one llama to go. Since we have another programmer to work with things are working a lot smoother and we get the "Small" things in order way quicker.
So today is dedicated to just working on all the things that needs to be implemented. That includes code, art for menus, design the way they look a bit more optimized. Very basic day so far and unless we get issues a long the way I don't see anything really noticeable to write about at the moment.
After lunch we had some pictures drawn for the currency, the waves, and hp. With pictures I mean icons. Then we made some "icons" for the numbers instead of choosing a font for everything. Johan made some pictures for the win and lose screen. We chose the name for our game to be Llama Drama, Spit Pit! So there's a lot of small pieces coming together and it feels better than it did last week in terms of work left to be done.
Although, we don't have the entire next week to work on the game. Which is unfortunate, but hopefully we can get enough in by the end of this week and the start of the next.
