Start of week 4 has begun and there is still A LOT to do.
Today's concerns consists of a bit of everything. I can't remember if i mentioned the problems with implementing sounds into the game but apparently it's not as easy as we first thought and got the impression of at the start. Then we've had to discuss this morning about the number of animations that we had and that there is a limit on how many animations you van have in Tengine apparently. Something that we did not get information about. So you can have 32 unique animations in Tengine before it crashes.
With our 10 llamas having a spit and an idle animation, those alone end up being 20 animations. Then we have all the tourists, which was also planned on being quite a bit. But we managed to "fix" the problem. By just having 3 unique tourists with different colors and no added hats or stuff. Because that's gonna require a different skeleton on the model and that means that there is another animation. If you just change colors the mesh and all is still the same and it does not count toward a different animation.
With our current "calculations" we have 30 animations. 4 for the trash that we have implemented in our level whenever a certain amount of tourists have entered mocha picchu. Then we have 20 for the llamas. 10 llamas with a spit and and idle. Then 6 for the tourists. A walking/idle animation and then a death animation.
After lunch our leads had a sprint meeting. The teachers thought that we had a lot of work ahead of us but that's it's doable. Which came as a surprise, we think that things are going downhill.
They said that they believe we could make it in 2 weeks if we crunch a bit as well. It does not feel good to have our team do crunches as we since day one said we are not gonna do it. And as designers the work in crunch hours would not be as valuable as the others time. And to have them do crunch work while we don't anything that really contributes is not right.
The stress is slowly creeping up..
