As the end of week 3 draws to and end we can really see how little time you really have. Or rather that 5 weeks is nothing when it comes to game development when you have to build everything from scratch with only one programmer. We don't have our projectile yet as I'm writing this. Which feels really bad. All though it might get done today. But such a fundamental part taking about 3 weeks to get in place is discouraging. To be fair he has not worked on it for 3 weeks. It's just that it took this long for it to get properly worked upon. I do believe that from here on it will get much easier though since it's been a real problem getting the classes in programming to work in harmony and when this is done all the major problems are out of the way at last. Chris said so as well that when this is done all the smaller things can be worked upon and that should not take long at all. So I'm trusting him
On another note there is a trend going around with wearing Christmas sweaters on Fridays here on PSQ right now so I'm wearing one. Almost everyone else has the same shirt bought at the same place. Except for me and a couple of others. I have a sweater with led lighting so I'm trying to "assert my dominance" as Arrjan said. Cicci is wearing all black Christmas outfit and Michelle has a mix of a black Christmas sweater and rainbow sequenced reindeer horns.
Later today we have fika Friday and I'll have to manage Trello and Hansoft for week 4. Then we'll see how far behind we are at the moment.
After lunch and fika:
Managing Trello and Hansoft now and it looks daunting at the moment. It's because the Time set for each tourist and llama has a lot of time and we have to produce a lot more than we have right now. We have 2 tourists done right now and about 4 towers. and 2 weeks to do the remaining of 10 each. It might sound like a lot but if they only focus on that we can probably do it. If not we have to take the easy way out and scrap some ideas. Scope the game down a bit as well maybe. Hopefully we can get by with just some recolors which is almost what we are doing now but make it faster and not as detailed. We'll see next week.
I took some photos of the guys wearing the same shirts. I was not allowed to be in the picture since I did not have the same shirt. So I was the camera man instead: